I just got back from spending 8 days up in North Carolina with my daughter and family. It was a real joy to spend time with them. The littlest addition to their family Anna Marie is adorable and I am actually missing seeing her cute little smile every day. Here are some Anna pics for you to enjoy.
I also got to spend some time with my dad as I took a road trip over to Tennessee last Thursday to spend a few hours. It was good to see him and Syretta and check on how he is doing after some major surgery.
I was able to snap one selfie with my dad before heading back to North Carolina. Was hoping to see some fall leaves but was about a week to early for that.
Finally got to take my best little fur buddies along with me. It can be a challenge to have four total dogs in the house especially with Watson having small dog syndrome and barking at Sadie at any given moment but I love these two and love to spend time in their world.